There are saying in the theater world, like “Break a Leg” which come from the ancient Greeks stomping their feet so hard to show appreciation after a performance then to an Elizabethan audience, banging their chairs so hard after the show to demonstrate acknowledgment of a good performance by ‘breaking a leg’ of a chair. Another saying ‘the show must go on’ also comes from the theater (& circus) world when a performer would get injured or become sick or an animal would escape or get injured-as in the circus- to keep the show going so the audience does not know or panic. These sayings can also apply to life and our state of current events…

a large stone amphit with steps leading up to it
Photo by Jeroen van Nierop / Unsplash

     Looks at what’s going on in Israel and the Middle East.  We were there just under a year ago, before the attacks.  In describing how we felt in Israel, we told our friends and family how safe we felt.  With all young adults required to serve*(will explain that thought a little later in this piece), there were young soldiers in green fatigues heavily armed everywhere we went.  Within the walls of Old Jerusalem, at checkpoints, at the border, at the port of Haifa, all over, there was a sense of security, friendliness and a sense of ‘this is the ways we do it here” matter of factly.  When I woke up October 7 in the US, a friend texted me early to ask if we were back state side and safe.  I responded that we were, having not seen or read the news, why? And then I checked on my photo to see what had happened.  Shocked, having just been there experiencing what was just described as a secured location, thoughts of that plot having been underway and in the works, all the while we were there and felt secure.  Over the past year, doing more reading and being more aware of Israel and it’s significance in the world we live in, the phrase, “The Show Must Go On” is a phrase that I believe sums up the Israeli people and many in the Middle East.

three men and one woman soldiers standing on rock during daytime
Photo by Timon Studler / Unsplash

     When you look at the Middle East, one has to realize that there are Christians, Jews and Muslims that occupy the area and there are good and bad characters in every part of humanity and in the Middle East.  Back to our trip to the Middle East and my observations is that in many of these communities, these three Faiths live and do commerce together without problems. Take Old Jerusalem, within the walls of this ancient city, there are Christians visiting the Church of the Sepulcher where they believe Christ was Crucified buying icons from a store that might be owned by Jews and sitting in a coffee shop run by Muslims. Our guide in the Old City was a very knowledgeable  and kind Muslim man who lives outside of Jerusalem.  We had a conversation about his beautiful smile. Being a dentist, my husband noticed his dental work and he told us that he was happy to spend the money to have his crowns done because his livelihood depends on him being a good ‘performer’ as he speaks and a nice smile is part of the job.  He know about Judaism, Christianity even though he is Muslim.  We talked about how these three Faiths have such a presence in this ancient city.    When we texted and called our family and friends we told them how incredible it was to see people living and working together since we see a much different story in the news.  I have not been to Iran, however, I have real about Iran over the years and have friends of Iranian descent. Iran has a rich rich history and culture, often referred to as Persia.  Read up yourself on how modern this ‘old world’ country was in the past. Read about how the former Shah of Iran had modernized the country, how stylish the women were and how educated and prosperous the population was with the exporting of oil. When the Shah was exiled in 1979, during that revolution, the Shah’s monarchy was overturned and the establishment of the Islamic Republic was established. Currently, this is who is in charge. There are many good citizen just trying to live their lives under this oppressive regime. 

aerial photography of Israel
Photo by Robert Bye / Unsplash

     Israel is no stranger to war and attacks.  They are prepared and civilians are used to bomb raids, drills and seeking shelter.  Just last week when Iran sent missiles, citizens sought cover in their designated shelter and when the all clear was sounded, they went about their business.  All part of life in the Middle East.  Listening to Miri Eisin being interviewed after the attacks earlier this week, one understands  the vision  of how life must be for the average family living with the threat of attacks on a daily basis.  As a retired colonel of the Israel Defense Forces with a background in Military Intelligence, Miri has a unique inside perspective of how it all works (interestingly, she was born in California and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel).  She described how her family took shelter and during the interview, then she calmly explained that there is an All Clear sign and then citizens can go about their lives.  It’s a threat they just live with and have for years. 

Miri Eisin is a retired colonel of the Israel Defense Forces, specializing in military intelligence. She was born in California and raised in Tel Aviv.

     If you look at a map of Israel and listen or read about how the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) defends their country, many of these operations and technology to protect the country,  have biblical terms or references, such as “David’s Sling” making reference in the Bible to David who took on and Goliath in the famous Biblical story, knocking the giant down with a single stone shot in his sling. The current, “David’s Sling” is technology that intercepts enemy planes, drones and missiles.  It is a land-based stationary battery that intercepts these objects at a range of about 190 miles. Look at the Iron Dome which has shot down most of the rockets Hamas has fired at Israel.  The ID (Iron Dome)is designed to selectively deal with rocket attack, intercepting only those headed towards populated areas. For Israel, some say this is a historical battle of good and evil, much like battles Jews have taken on throughout history dating back to Biblical times.  For many Jews, it is the battle of the underdog.  Being a small country, surrounded by dangerous characters in the Middle East, I can see that.  Even though Israel is a small country, they have a military (the IDF) that is the BEST of the BEST.  When you are small, you have to be smart and efficient.  Look the pager attack recently, fifteen years in the making. Read up on how that all developed and the efficiency of the operation.  THAT is a good summation of how the IDF works.  They target their enemy and execute with a goal of zero to few civilians.  It’s difficult when one is dealing with a barbaric enemy willing to cowardly, hide themselves, hostages and weaponry within a civilian population, amongst school and hospitals.  This is an enemy that has no regard for human life where women and others are treated with much disrespect.  Radical terrorist organizations feel free to unleash havoc to the weakest and youngest. Just read of the inhumane behavior they displayed in Israel on October 7, 2023. An enemy that has been able to garner support around the world via social media and false information.  I listened to a college professor who said to me a month or so after the attack, “We don’t know that what happened in Israel really happened. You know, it could be Israeli propaganda.” I had to bite my tongue. And this is a professor entrusted with young minds at a very impressionable age in terms of world events? “Ug! And we wonder why there is so much hatred and misinformation in the world. Mentioned earlier was that young adults are mandated to serve in the military, both men and women. It was explained to us by our guide in Old Jerusalem, that Muslims, non-Jews and ultra-Orthodox Jews are exempt from mandatory military service in Israel.  They may serve if they wish.  All other young men and women are required to serve with women serving a little shorter service than the young men.  

This image was fascinating to me, to see how the defense system works.

     Israel has been criticized, spoken poorly of around the world in the last year.  After the attack when hostages were taken, some have been killed, even the United States government has tried to ‘handcuff’ them from their full capability to defend themselves from an evil enemy, in the form of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.  Sooner or later, more likely sooner, Israel will have to put an end to the terror.  The attacks over the last year may require an underdog, like David to sling a shot or series of shots or arrows at Goliath, unrestricted, to put an end to this chapter…May good prevail over the evil.  

The Show Must Go On…Wishing them to “break a leg” in this endeavor …

Author, Mary Yana Burau. Picture taken during September 2023.