Learning to be good stewards of our bodies has a life long reward.  When kids learn early on that they can have an influence by their own actions, they are more likely to be interested in behaviors that help rather than harm them.  Here’s what I’m talking about.  When kids learn early on about the benefits of a good night’s sleep, not just “Go to bed, because I told you to,” the chances are greater that they will WANT to get a good night’s sleep.

Good nutrition and gathering around are good things.

Consider this time of year when many people are down with a stubborn cold or the flu. Teaching your kids how to take care of themself while they are under YOUR roof, will result in how they manage to care for themself when they are on their own. Teach them that they have to get their rest, drink their liquids and take the phone out of their bedroom when they should be sleeping-that has been discussed before. Talk about not taking on too much in terms of activities, pacing themself with their homework, not waiting until the last minute to study for a test. You are the parent and you are “the coach“ calling out plays from the sidelines. You need to engage with your teenagers as soon-to-adults, not taking over but letting them learn to manage their own lives, under your supervision. Observe how they are doing and make suggestions when you see they could use some help,

“You’ll be more prepared for the swim meet and most likely have a better performance if you get adequate sleep.  “Your body repairs itself when you sleep.”  “7-8 hours sleep allow the brain to rest and you are more likely to be more alert at school.  “Adequate sleep is good for every organ of the body.”    Also, explaining the benefits of eating healthy meals/snack and exercise gets kids on board for taking control of their health and future.  A healthy body is more likely to give someone a greater chance of a long life.  Things like taking drugs, smoking and abusing alcohol can shorten one’s lifespan.  Set a good example yourself and talk about these topics at meal times, when in the car and when you are spending time together.  Teaching kids early on that exercise is fun can be as easy as playing chase/tag in the yard.  Playing can lead to good physical fitness and good fitness can lead to athletic activities that can be played for fun or on a high school/college team or intramural activities.  Giving kids as many opportunities for as many doors open as possible for their academic and health/physical success is our job as parents and educators…Time for me to get to dance class…It’s a Great Day 🍎 

Author, Mrs. Burau 🍎