✏️ A Master Class on Ushering In a New Era
Me and my (almost) sixty years of life experience has taught me some very valuable lessons…
Me and my (almost) sixty years of life experience has taught me some very valuable lessons…
It’s nice to have good company on the journey of life, be it a group of friends, your Family, a business partner, a spouse or the guys in the band…
A million dollars means something different to everyone from the way it makes you feel, to the way it makes you act, to how it is acquired…
Summer 1983, The Police performed at Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit. Two friends and myself...
There were very few things that surprised my Dad after a very unfortunate unfortunate event early on in his career in the restaurant business…Good lesson learned and taught by my Dad, “ ‘ What goes around, comes around,’ so you better be good!”
Remember the song from Sesame Street, “Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?” We all mostly treat our family and close friend with kindness and respect, but how do you treat those others you encounter?