Why wait until Thanksgiving to make or enjoy a Pumpkin Pie?  Of course, you can pick one up at Kroger, your FAV bakery or your warehouse membership club.  All are delicious and mostly worth the calories.  However, making your own isn’t all that hard, your kitchen will smell incredible and most of all, it’s made by…YOU!  You can purchase a crust in the dairy section at the grocery store, or you can make your own, I’ve included a recipe and you can whip up some fresh whipping cream or go without, which I almost NEVER do. If  I make a pie or cobbler from scratch, I’m going for the real thing, freshly whipped cream.  Although I have tried other pumpkin pie recipes and have made them using fresh pumpkin, I keep coming back to the recipe on the label of Libby’s Canned Pumpkin.  Which ever you decide to enjoy, store bought or homemade, just start enjoying.  You’re most likely not going to eat an entire pie, cut your pie in eighths, go rake some leaves, go for a walk or get your workout in…Life is meant to be enjoyed and when you do, most likely you will say…

It’s a Great Day 🥧

Crust (makes 1, 9 inch pie crust)

-1 1/4 cups unbleached flour

-1/2 teaspoon coarse salt (I use Kosher salt)

-1/2 teaspoon sugar

-8 Tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter cut into little pieces cold

-1/4 cup cold water


  1. Place dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Turn mixer on for 20 seconds to mix dry ingredients.
  2. Add cup up pieces of butter a few at a time until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
  3. With mixer going add just a little water at a time. You may not need all of the 1/4 cup of cold water. Keep mixer on until pie crust come together.
  4. Roll pie crust out on a floured surface on on a pastry cloth. Placed rolled dough into pie plate. It is ready to fill with pumpkin pie mixture.

Pumpkin Pie Filling

preheat oven to 425 degrees


-3/4 cup of granulated sugar ( I use 1/2 cup)

-1 teaspoon cinnamon

-1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

-1/4 cup ground cloves

-2 large eggs beaten

-1 -15 ounce can Libby’s fresh pumpkin (NOT PUMPKIN PIE FILLING)

-1- 12 ounce can evaporated skim milk

-1 -9 inch pie crust in pie dish ready for filling

  1. As mentioned above, preheat oven to 425 degrees and blend with a fork, all dry ingredients in a small bowl,
  2. In a larger mixing bowl (I like one with a spout, easy to pour) beat eggs and add canned pumpkin, mixing with a whisk (or fork).
  3. Add in dry ingredients, whisk.
  4. Add canned, evaporated milk, whisk.
  5. Pour mixture into unbaked crust.
  6. Place in oven, preheated to 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Set timer.
  7. After 15 minutes, reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake an additional 40-50 minutes, watch for crust to slightly brown and filling to be firm. Again, set the timer for the additional 40-50 minutes.
  8. When pie is done, let cool completely on rack. Store any uneaten pie in the fridge.
  9. Serve with fresh whipped cream if desired. Plain is always good too.
Our daughter-in-law, Amanda, serving pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, of course with freshly whipped cream 🥧

For Fresh Whipped Cream

 -Purchase a 1/2 pint of whipping cream

-Pour into a chilled mixing bowl

 (chill beaters as well)

-Pour whipping cream into bowl and mix, starting on low

-Add 2 teaspoons granulated white sugar

-Add 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla

-Start on low and once  mixture starts to get a little thick, turn to high (as not to splatter).  Do not leave mixing area.  It only takes a  couple of minutes to  whip cream.  You want mixture to have, ‘medium peaks’ which means when you lift the beater out of mixture, its a medium consistency of peaks.  Over mixing will result in a grainy consistence.  You want mixture to look smooth.

For more recipes, checkout my book available her on my website, signed.

Our granddaughters made mini-pumpkin pies to take home to their parents over the weekend. it’s not that hard 🥧

”It’s a Great Day 🥧 


For Fresh Whipped Cream

 -Purchase a 1/2 pint of whipping cream

-Pour into a chilled mixing bowl

 (chill beaters as well)

-Pour whipping cream into bowl and mix, starting on low

-Add 2 teaspoons granulated white sugar

-Add 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla

-Start on low and once  mixture starts to get a little thick, turn to high (as not to splatter).  Do not leave mixing area.  It only takes a  couple of minutes to  whip cream.  You want mixture to have, ‘medium peaks’ which means when you lift the beater out of mixture, its a medium consistency of peaks.  Over mixing will result in a grainy consistence.  You want mixture to look smooth.

For information on my book, checkout my website itsagreatdayto.com where orders can be placed.  It is also available on amazon.com and at Barnes and Noble📕

Available NOW On itsagreatdayto.com


Mary Yana’s Marvelous Monday Mystery Manja…

 Autumnal Foods You NEED to Make (first in a 2 part series)  

Why wait until Thanksgiving for…

 Pumpkin Pie?

Tomorrow On itsagreatdayto.com 



Mary Yana’s Marvelous Monday Mystery Manja…

Autumnal Foods You NEED to Make

(Part 1 of 2)