Marvelous Monday is usually a recipe or a food post and as I was ready to post a recipe for a very simple Fudge, made with dark chocolate, it seemed as if some may feel that, that is not a good choice for a first post into 2025, whether it’s a dry January in terms of alcohol or ‘get back to business’ January in terms of eating healthy and clean rather than diving into a treat so soon after possibly an over indulgent holiday season.  So here is a little “Pep Talk” from Mary Yana to inspire you as you turn the calendar to another year.

group of people in gym while exercising
Photo by Geert Pieters / Unsplash

1.If exercise and eating healthy are and have been on your list for a while and life has gotten in the way, what are you waiting for?  Christmas? Ask yourself, “What are you waiting for?”  There will always be excused, “my kids are too young, too involved in activities” or “it’s too time consuming for me to take care of me.”  My question to you is IF you really want to be there for your kids, long term, there is no time like the present for you to do something’s for yourself to increase the odds that you will be there for your kids as long as you can (there’s even more of a reason to when you hear a real life example near the end of this piece).  As your kids get older, their needs are different.  You will be called on to help them move to a new apartment or new city.  They will need your help.  They may get married and have children and they may need you to help with babysitting, I could go on, but these tasks can be physical and even if you have movers someone needs to help with the organizing.  Same with kids, they may have sitters or nannies but a sitter can get sick or cancel and if you are called upon, you want to be able to help.  If you are healthy and in good physical condition, you will be up for helping when needed.  What if your kids live across country?  You’ll need to be healthy enough to travel and to be nimble if travel plans require you to switch gears if stuck in an unfamiliar place.  If you take good care of yourself, you are move likely to be able to absorb the shock of cancelled or interrupted trips.

2.Ok, say you don’t have kids and you have some opportunities to travel with friends or adventures or fun experiences are afforded to you.  If you feel good and are healthy you are more likely to get invited and to participate.  You may even decide to get the ball rolling on something on YOUR bucket list. 

3.If you are married or in a long term relationship, your chances of staying together are greater if you are up for new adventures.  Maybe you and your person move into a new community.  If you are healthy are feel good, you are more likely to want to participate in a new activity like pickleball or learning to play golf.  Couples who enjoy doing activities together are more likely to stay together.  Some couples like to travel when the kids are grown and they have the time and money for such pursuits.  Again, if you are feeling good travel may be something that is easier to enjoy and be comfortable with being away from home and familiar surroundings. 

man in white tank top and gray pants sitting on blue yoga mat
Photo by krakenimages / Unsplash

4.You are setting a good example for your children, either grown or still at home as to how to care for yourself and your body.  If your kids see you taking time for exercising and if you run or participate with them in a round of golf or skiing on a Sunday afternoon in the winter, you are teaching your kids that physical activity is a part of your everyday life. 

5.Exercise is just good for you.  The benefits of exercise are numerous.  The body is a very fined tuned machine that is meant to be used.  “Move it or loose it.” Exercise is good for your heart, your mind and it helps keep your digestive system moving and helps burn calories so that you keep your weight in check.  I read about a study done on activity and kids.  There an all boys school that has the highest rate of getting students in to top ranked academic colleges.  When interviewed, the head master attributed the success to the school’s recess program.  What?  Yes.  The teachers and headmaster felt that students were much more engaged and diligent in their school work when they had adequate opportunities to be active.  Physical activity can be linked to one’s mental state where as physical activity can increase the feel good hormones ands help decrease cortisol levels.  Elevated cortisol levels can lead to interrupted sleep, inflammation in the body which can be linked to a whole host of problems from long term, cancer, but short term sleepless nights, stress and heart problems.  In turn, when we exercise and feel good, you are more likely to interact better with those around you. 

6.If the thought of exercise isn’t appealing to you, then find an activity that burns calories that you do like.  Everyone doesn’t have to run.  Walking while you listen to good music with small hand weights is very effective.  There is something for everyone, biking, tennis, rowing, group fitness and even within group fitness a variety of classes for different interests.  Find something you enjoy and do it.

red cherries on clear glass bowl
Photo by Milada Vigerova / Unsplash

7.Exercise in conjunction with healthy eating habits helps increase your physical and mental well being.  If you are eating healthy, your exercise performance will increase and you will get more out of your workouts. A healthy eating regime with adequate protein and a variety of fruits and vegetables, will increase mental performance and how you feel day to day.  A diet of frequent fast food or a diet lacking in adequate protein, over time will result in poor digestion, poor absorption or lack of good nutrients which are the building blocks of our bodies.  This does not mean you cannot enjoy treats here and there or that you should deprive yourself of treats.  If you like Chik-Fil-A waffle fries, go and enjoy them, just don’t make this your norm.  I have found that the healthier I eat and feel the benefits of eating clean, the less I want the stuff  that makes my stomach feel bloated or makes me feel lethargic. You will come to enjoy feeling good most days when you drink enough water to adequately hydrate.  You may find that you like looking for healthy recipes for yourself and those you love.  Pay attention to how you feel when you are eating and afterwards.  Make eating the foods that allow you feel the best and allow you to perform your jobs everyday to be your norm so that you ARE at your best.  Don’t necessarily obsess about this to create stress in your life, but be aware.  

8.Ask yourself how your day to day life is.  Do you have some bright moments to look forward to everyday?  Like a nice connection to look forward to everyday, like a meaningful conversation with someone special and significant in your life? Exercise or movement to take care of your body?  Taking time to do something your enjoy like listening to your favorite music, or taking part in a little ‘me time’ to do something that makes you happy?  Maybe it’s your favorite scent, a favorite pair of earrings or pretty flowers on your desk at work.  Your day to day life should have some bright spots.  If not, consider what would.

9.Other self care.  Do you drink enough water each day so you feel adequately hydrated?  If you are thirsty, you are already at least 20 percent hydrated.  January is a good time to make sure you have all of your medical appointments scheduled for the year, your annual physical/routine bloodwork appropriate for your age, your teeth cleaning, benchmark tests like mammograms & colonoscopy depending on your age.  I once wrote about a woman who was in that sandwich position in life where she had teenaged/college aged kids, who still needed her occasionally  and cared for her parents as well.  She frequently blew off her medical appointments to care for her family and extended family.  She started feeling rundown  and by the time she went to the doctor, she had breast cancer that was quite aggressive.  The interesting things is that one of her daughters was at the time an oncology nurse.  She passed away and I remember thinking, when I heard this story as a young mom, how important it is to care for yourself so you CAN help those who need you. 

10.Ask yourself if there is something new you’d like to learn or try this year?  About ten years ago or so, I wanted to learn how to knit.  I was sharing with a friend that goal for the new year and she said that she would like to knit too, so in mid-January that year, we enrolled in a knitting class at a local knitting store.  Last year, I set a goal to learn how to paint with water colors.  In February, I came across an online class with Susan Allard and it’s now something I look forward to spending little snippets of time here and there, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Over the year, other mediums were added to the creative process from pastels to markers and acrylics. There still is much to learn but it has been lots of fun.

woman in white dres s
Photo by Wonderlane / Unsplash

11.Help someone who could use your help.  Whether it is someone in your family who could use you to help with babysitting, a ride, take a dinner or invite someone over for dinner who usually eats alone.  If none comes to mind right away, be on the lookout for someone who could use a hand.  This not only gives the person you are helping out a little boost, you’ll be surprised what a good feeling this give to you to know that you brightened someone’s day.  Absolutely NOT the reason for doing this, but it just may inspire you to help someone else.  Think of the power of this behavior if all those able to help could.  Sometimes, it’s us who needs a hand here or there and when you can give back, do it. 

Alright, there you go!  Get moving or continue moving.  The BEST is yet to come…Why shouldn’t you have a good year To look forward to?

It’s a Great Day ✨ 

Author, Mary Yana Burau.