The day my first shipment of books was delivered to our front porch was one of the most exciting days in my life.  As I carefully took out the first book, the colors were exactly as expected, the right butter cup yellow and cobalt blue, the design of each page was just as I had laid out on my iPad and the publisher had gotten it all right.  I frequently  flip through it to see if it’s message is still the same and if I’d change anything and it is, and I would not.  The message of the book is  that of the importance of gathering our people around a table frequently to share our life experiences and go away feeling that our battery is charged for another go at a day of life and that the food is ALWAYS secondary to those around your table.  Our tables may look different at different stages of our lives yet the constant is that we continue to gather.  The book starts with the table itself, and then goes through the simplest of meal to begin with, a chapter on Happy Hour, Breakfast, Lunch (on the go or at home), Desserts and Holidays.  Even if you are a novice in the kitchen, my book will help you navigate with simple tricks and idea.  My book is available through the website.