Former President Jimmy Carter passed away this week, at the age of 100. He was President of the United States for one term, 1977-1981. He became President at a time when the country was divided and frustrated by Washington DC, in some ways like it is today, under different circumstances. He served one term only and during his term, hostages were taken in the Middle East, in Iran, in his case, also much like today where hostages are being held in Israel. As soon as his predecessor, Ronald Reagan was sworn into office, the hostages were released. Like former President Trump, who will take office again in just a few weeks, Jimmy Carter was a Washington outsider (before he became President in 2016). Jimmy Carter was a graduate of the US Naval Academy and after his service, he returned to his hometown of Plains, Georgia to run his family’s peanut farm, her served in the Georgia State Senate, eventually became Governor of Georgia and then ran for President, becoming the nominee in 1976 to run against the republican candidate and President, Gerald Ford. Most likely, Jimmy Carter won the election because Americans were ready for an outsider to run the country after the Watergate Scandal President Nixon was involved in which prompted his resignation, making his newly appointed Vice-President, Gerald Ford the President and interestingly, Ford was appointed Vice-President when Nixon’s original Vice-President, Spiro Agnew resigned, due to allegations of accepting bribes when he was Governor of Maryland and continuing to receive payments after becoming part of President Nixon’s administration. That’s a lot of scandal and probably what turned many Americans off and ready for a fresh face with no red flags to run the country. A whole lot of crazy and scandal in just a few years, so it’s easy to see why he was an appealing candidate for voters, amid all the turmoil in Washington and in the Nixon administration.

Top left,Vice-President in the original Nixon administration, Spiro Agnew. Top right, President Richard Nixon on the day he left the White House after resigning. Bottom left, President Gerald Ford, who became President when Nixon resigned. Bottom right, President Ford when he was a “Michigan Man.” He later went on the Yale Law School.
President Jimmy Carter inherited many problems and there were many circumstances world wide that came about for him to handle and not having much background in world affairs as a Governor, he was maybe not as equipped as previous Presidents to handle these global issues. In addition, the country was in the midst of an energy crises and an economic downturn. Carter had his hands full.

The hostages in Iran were released shortly after President Ronald Reagan was sworn in on January 1981.
With so many unresolved issues the American people elected Ronald Reagan as President and the hostages were released just moments after he was sworn into office office in January of 1981, leaving Jimmy Carter a one term only President. Historian might say that Jimmy Carter was not one of our better Presidents with all the crises on his tenure.

President and Mrs. Carter working on an election in a far off place…President Carter with his mother and brother.
However, where Jimmy Carter did succeed and make a name for himself was as a former President. What he did with his life following his presidency is remarkable. He became involved in Habitat for Humanity, which builds homes for people and communities in need, shining a light on this very worthwhile cause. Globally, both he as Mrs. Carter as well, were involved in monitoring fair and impartial elections in countries that had histories of corruption. President Jimmy Carter had longer time as a former President than any other former President and he put that time to good use for others.

The Carter family shortly after his election victory, left. Right, President and Mrs. Carter with their youngest child, Amy, while they were in the White House.
As a husband and father, Jimmy Carter succeeded. He and his wife raised a large family and they had a huge impact on their children, grand children and great-grandchildren. There were many photos taken of his large family, including his mother, Mrs. LilIan Carter and his brother, Billy (known for his Billy Beer), at gatherings at the White House.

Finally, Jimmy Carter succeeded in his role as a man of faith. He and his wife lived a life, strong in their faith and were a testament to their faith, very involved in their faith community in Plains, Georgia. They taught Sunday school into their nineties.
The lessons learned from the life of Jimmy Carter are that although he might have been a little less equipped for his role as President than most men who have held the role, he was a man who made good use of the time he was given in his years beyond the Presidency. You might say that he didn’t reach all of his goals as President, but that pales in comparison to his character as a man, husband, father and citizen of the world; a man with his priorities in order…A life well lived…
”Well done good and faithful servant“ (Matthew 25:23)