Here is the last in this month of May series on healthy snacks and desserts. In my book, It’s a Great Day To…Gather Around a Table, there is a blueberry smoothie recipe that I make often for a mid-morning or late afternoon snack. The smoothie in my book is the inspiration for this selection. Over the weekend I was experimenting and came up with a different version, this one with fresh lavender. We have lavender growing in our patio garden. You can find it at the grocery store or in the farmer’s market if you don’t have it growing at your home.
1/2 cup milk
2 cups Greek yogurt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla
2 tablespoons honey
2 bananas
1 teaspoon edible lavender flower pods

1. Place all ingredients in a blender. I like to add ingredients into the blender with the most liquid first graduating up to thickest. This allows for least amount of stress on the blending process.
2. Blend until smooth and enjoy. I like to garnish with either more lavender or fresh lavender from the patio garden. Optional for sure.