🍎School is starting soon.  Me and my many years of experience as a Mom and Teacher has come up with a list that helped as we got our three  kiddos ready each August for the upcoming school year.  Here’s my “Top Ten List To Get Kiddos Ready For School.” To succeed in school, why not just make it a habit?  If you are prepared for your day and what goes on that day, you are much more likely to succeed…Let's GO!

  1. Get EVERYTHING ready the night before,  clothes/backpack/coat, lunch should be packed and set the table/counter for breakfast to help Mom/Dad out.
  2. Set up your study area so that you have everything you need to do homework such as adequate lighting, pencils, highlighters, stapler, paper clips, outlet, chargers,desk pad, calendar, etc.
  3. ALWAYS do you homework.  If you have no homework, study for this week’s spelling test, practice arithmetic facts, prepare for an upcoming test or do some additional reading on something you are currently studying.  There is ALWAYS something you can prepare for and you will be that much more ready when test day comes.
  4. Teach your kiddos to ask for help at school when they don’t understand a concept.  This will make homework easier.
  5. GET TO BED ON TIME.  When we sleep, our ‘battery’ re-charges.  Adequate sleep allows us to focus better during the day which means better performance in school. It’s not a bad idea to get into this routine before school starts so the body gets into the new sleep schedule.  Try not to deviate too far from this on the weekend, so as not to throw the body rhythm off.
  6. To wind down at night, writing a paragraph in a journal (or a note to a grandparent), reading for leisure and a prayer with a parent & sibling(s) is a good way to call it a day .
  7. Phones/electronics DO NOT charge in the bedroom.  It’s just too much of a temptation and this can interfere with sleep.
  8. Spend some one on one time with your child, at bedtime, in the car or when you can to check in to see how they are feeling and how school is going.  It’s during those one on one times that kiddos are most likely to communicate concerns.
  9. Good nutrition helps contribute to academic success.  Make sure your kiddos have a good breakfast and a nutritious lunch. Practice the week before school starts.  Make packing lunch fun.  Teach them how to make a balanced lunch with adequate protein, limit sugar and adequate water for hydration.  If you have my book, “Chicken Mc Mammas” are good to keep one hand in the freezer for lunches.  You probably have your own “go tos”.  Brainstorm with your kiddos to come up with some good ideas.  Make lunch an event.  Get a cool lunch pail/bag with colorful non-disposal accessories.  This can make lunchtime something to look forward to.  Also, “Gather Around the Table”  as much as possible during the week to spend time as a Family.
  10. Remind your kiddos that an education is a privilege and an opportunity that leads to their future success in life and can make for many…Great Days 🍎