It’s the last week in August and usually this time of year, we start looking to fall and gatherings.  Maybe it’s a tailgate party at your house for a Saturday your team plays away, or it’s Thanksgiving and who will be hosting it this year.  Or maybe it’s event like a baby shower, special birthday or a get together, “Just Because.”  I dedicate a whole chapter to this in my book, It’s a Great Day To… Gather Around a Table, that’s how important it is to me.  Some people just like to do it and some don’t.  If you don’t, this may not be a reading selection for you…However, IF your interest is slightly sparked, keep reading, there’s something here for you too.   It is not necessary to be Martha Stewart or Emily Post to entertain.  Absolutely NOT!  You do need to be honest with yourself as to how involved you want to be, how much time you want to spend and what type of event you would like to host.  So answer these questions and let’s get going. 

Photo from the scene in the movie, A Chorus Line, from the song, “I Can Do That”, where the title of this Marvelous Monday comes from. Link to the song in the movie, below.

  Decide on the event.  If you are new to this, start with a Happy Hour or Tea.  Have a start and end time.  Decide if you want guests to contribute with drinks and snacks or if you want to do it yourself.  Either is the right answer, and honestly, people don’t mind contributing an appetizer or bottle of wine or six pack of beer. In fact, when you invite people, most times they will say, “What can I bring?”  Be honest with them and be specific.  They want to be helpful and the more direction you give them, the most helpful their contribution is, as in “ Could you please bring an appetizer that fits the bill of cheese or cheese dip and crackers,” or “ please bring a bottle of Sparkling wine.”

     Decide on the list.  I like to go over the list with a friend who knows everyone.  They’ll let you know if you left someone out.  You good friends will be helpful.  If your gathering is last minute, a formal invitation isn’t necessary a call or text is good.  If sending a text, follow up on anyone who hasn’t responded.  That happened to me last week.  I sent out individual texts and I had not heard back from one couple.   I Facebook messaged her.  Sure enough, I had her number wrong.  It was the wrong digit in the area code, 518 and I had 510.  My error.  I knew she would have gotten back with me.  As the guest receiving the invitation, it’s fine to not know right away if you or your spouse can’t attend due to work travel schedules, just communicate this with the hostess.  It’s fair to say, “Thanks for the invitation, my husband and I sometimes travel with work, as soon as I get our upcoming schedule, I can get back with you.”  Absolutely fair to not know right away, just let the hostess know you appreciate the invite and that you’ll get back with her.

     Decide on the menu, make a few lists. One of the menu, your grocery list and your time line.  Cross off as you go and “Get’r Done.”  Don’t over whelm yourself.  If it’s a big party, enlist help by hiring some college kids or high school kids.  Let them know what the pay is and a list of objective they are expected to do.  Hiring a caterer is fine too.  

     Paper vs real plates is up to you.  There is nothing wrong with paper for a large (or small group) do what you are comfortable with. 

     As a guest, help clear dishes and clean up if the hostess is good with this. It makes the next day much easier and I know I appreciate someone helping with clean up or any last minute tasks like slicing the bread or looking over the serving table to see if you forgot anything.  

     Relax, have fun and enjoy yourself.  These are your friends or family.  They appreciate the invitation and value your effort in getting the group together…and remember, like I always say…”The Food Is Secondary to the People Around Your Table.”

Author, Mary Yana Burau and her book 📚