I listen to and watch the news.  It doesn’t affect me.  It bothers me that there are people hurting or going through tough times, and I do what I can, through giving of my time and gifts, but I don’t allow it to depress me and keep me from doing what I can do to help or get through my day.  I will pray for those going through the tragedies of life and I think, “there but for the grace of God, go I.” There are disasters, accidents, illnesses and random incidents that people have NO control over and those are very unfortunate and yes, it could be us on any given day.  We are all just a moment from a life altering unfortunate event.  However, there are times in life when the choices we make, DO make a difference. 

It’s good to start teaching children that early on in simple ways….”JR Kirtek (our local weather person in Flint) is forecasting rain tomorrow, do you think you should have your raincoat out for school in the morning?”  “It’s getting dark, do you think it’s a good idea to be on your bike at night when car’s can’t see you?”  (At dinner around the table, as your kids go through their day and tell you that their teacher assigned a project due next week on interviewing a Grandparent) “That sounds like something to get started on right away so you aren’t rushing around at the last minute to contact Grandpa Jimmy on a night you have tennis.  What do you think?”   Going over that conversation of “If that, then…”is an effective teaching tool and can lead to many very good discussions and teachable moments.  Try it!  Teaching you kids early on to make good choices, when they have the opportunity to, can help them out on the days when unexpected events occur, setting the stage for them to say (when they might not have)…

It’s a Great Day🍎