🍎 Setting Goals For A New School Year
Setting goals for a new school year gives a child something to shoot for…
Mary Yana Burau is author of the book, “It’s a Great Day To…Gather Around a Table” and an alumni of the University of Michigan School of Education. She writes on family, children & social issues.
Setting goals for a new school year gives a child something to shoot for…
You know you have a winner of a recipe when you make it three times in one week. The verdict is in. Family and Friends tell me this one is a 5 start dessert. I could not agree more…
There were very few things that surprised my Dad after a very unfortunate unfortunate event early on in his career in the restaurant business…Good lesson learned and taught by my Dad, “ ‘ What goes around, comes around,’ so you better be good!”
🍎School is starting soon. Me and my many years of experience as a Mom and...
As I add previous Marvelous Mondays to the new platform/website here’s is one that was very popular. It previewed the Summer of 2020. It’s a winner…
Remember the song from Sesame Street, “Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?” We all mostly treat our family and close friend with kindness and respect, but how do you treat those others you encounter?
Here’s a Teaching Tuesday from August of 2022. Don’t underestimate the power of a letter…