Mary Yana Burau
Mary Yana Burau is author of the book, “It’s a Great Day To…Gather Around a Table” and an alumni of the University of Michigan School of Education. She writes on family, children & social issues.

🍎 Teaching Your Children the Value of Money 💰
Teaching your children about finances can be easier than you think…

🍽️ Orange Bread 🍊
This fits the bill of something simple, something, Marvelous Monday Musts…My prediction is that you will like this 🍊

✏️ Are You Utilizing Your Benefits? Membership Has Its Privileges
Remember the slogan for the American Express credit card, “Membership has its privileges?”

🍎 Choices, Choices, Choices
This is a very short and simple lesson that could have a big impact on your children…

🍎 Teaching Your Kids to Handle Difficult Situations and Find Their Successes… “Come On, It’s Art!”…. 🎨
Teaching your kids to handle difficult situation and to find their successes are two important topics in the unofficial “Curriculum of Parenting” in my opinion 🍎