✏️ Much In Life Can Be Reflected On Through…Snapshots & Soundbites
So much in life can be summed up by the snippets of snapshots and soundbites…
Mary Yana Burau is author of the book, “It’s a Great Day To…Gather Around a Table” and an alumni of the University of Michigan School of Education. She writes on family, children & social issues.
So much in life can be summed up by the snippets of snapshots and soundbites…
The human spirt has had a big role in victories throughout history…Those moments can be teachable moments…
It’s a Two-fer this week, two recipes in one post…
“If you choose the behavior, you accept the consequences” a parent or a teacher may say…
In little, age appropriate lessons, your children can develop an understanding on how the President is elected…
Once again, something simple, something good (& healthy)…