🍎 It’s Almost August…Getting Every Last Drop Out of Summer
Oh my goodness, tomorrow is the last day of July…Are there still things you want to get done this summer with your kiddos? Get going…
Mary Yana Burau is author of the book, “It’s a Great Day To…Gather Around a Table” and an alumni of the University of Michigan School of Education. She writes on family, children & social issues.
Oh my goodness, tomorrow is the last day of July…Are there still things you want to get done this summer with your kiddos? Get going…
So much in life can be summed up by the snippets of snapshots and soundbites…
The human spirt has had a big role in victories throughout history…Those moments can be teachable moments…
It’s a Two-fer this week, two recipes in one post…
“If you choose the behavior, you accept the consequences” a parent or a teacher may say…
In little, age appropriate lessons, your children can develop an understanding on how the President is elected…